Waffles, Flapjacks & Pancakes, Recipes from Around the World
This cookbook is so much more than just maple. It has recipes for flapjacks, pancakes, crepes, frybread, and more. These recipes have come from all over the world.
This cookbook is so much more than just maple. It has recipes for flapjacks, pancakes, crepes, frybread, and more. These recipes have come from all over the world.
Maple Syrup Cookbook has convinced thousands of readers that maple syrup makes everything taste better. Now, the revised third edition of this clas...
View full detailsDuring winter months in Vermont, New York, and Canada, while little else is harvested, holes are bored into maple trees and their clear, sweet liqu...
View full detailsOriginally written by Patricia B. Mitchell for museums and their patrons, this old fashioned cookbook doesn't just provide recipes from by-gone era...
View full detailsPublished by the Vermont Maple Sugar Makers Association. A small cookbook, but one that is packed full of maple flavor. 64 pages of maple greatnes...
View full detailsThis pamphlet has instructions for making maple sugar, candies, jelly, taffy and more. There are also a few practical tips for making maple product...
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